English to French Translations
In a few words...

Being familiar with the working environment of international organisations and having a technical background helps to understand what is to be translated, and researching the appropriate terminology.
Born in France, I grew up in Cambodia, lived and worked in more than 20 countries, first as an agronomist involved in the production of ladybirds for the protection of date palms in the Sahara, and later in the control of locust plagues in Africa and the Middle East with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.
It was actually with the FAO as a locust survey and information officer that my career in translation started, quite informally when I became the unofficial translator for our technical group. Years later, I was recruited both as a PID designer for a few large projects in Africa, and as the lead translator on a major greenfield nickel-mining project in the North of New Caledonia, where disciplines to be translated included the assembly of gigantic plant modules transported from China, a new harbour, control rooms, earthworks for roads, basins, dumps and all the safety, environmental and social challenges involved in a project of that size.
Australian Insitute of T & I
Member of the FIT2017 Congress Organising Committee
International Association of Professional T & I
National Accreditation Authority for T & I
former Sergeant at Arms

Professional translator accredited English to French by NAATI (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters)
United Nations English Level B and C (highest)
Continuous professional development for translators, Certificate from Society of Piping Engineers and Designers (SPED)
Ingénieur agronome (Agronomy engineer) from École nationale supérieure agronomique de Toulouse (ENSAT) and University doctorate in Entomology at Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse in France
Lycée Descartes, Phnom-Penh, Cambodia